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Become a Coach | With you Program


Are you a heart centred person who loves singing and all the mental health benefits that come with it? Are you looking for a career that gives you life, uplifts those around you AND brings you into a happier version of you?

The world's most accessible stress reliever, singing has repeatedly been proven to reduce stress; improve your mood, and even have a good impact on your physical health and immune system.

Our With you Program includes:

  • Join our Singit Membership community

  • 12 month structure of support

  • Bi-weekly mastermind calls

  • monthly power hour Q+A with Mia + Sam

  • Content + curriculum + Mindset

  • Business blueprint

  • 3 virtual trainings in the year

  • Singit certification

  • Access to the Business Automaton App

  • Brand Guides + Templates

  • Cross promotion + Marketing

Run your own location, grow your dream team + live a life you love!

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