Mental Health

6 Reasons To Encourage Your Child To Do Singing Lessons!

July 21, 2021

You might have seen our Reel about this topic, but we thought we would elaborate on all the benefits of singing lessons for kids — especially since there are so many! We delve into 6 of the physiological, social and physical benefits of singing for children in this blog post and it might just surprise […]

You might have seen our Reel about this topic, but we thought we would elaborate on all the benefits of singing lessons for kids — especially since there are so many! We delve into 6 of the physiological, social and physical benefits of singing for children in this blog post and it might just surprise you! If these impress you, (which we’re sure they will!), you should probably book an in-person singing lesson in Calgary with Mia, now! (RUN, don’t walk!)

1. Singing Improves Their Communication Skills & Ability To Express Their Feelings

From the first year of your child’s life, singing can already form the foundation of your child’s language development, so it’s no wonder that it can be just as integral in the development of communication in toddlerhood, preteens and especially during hormonal teenage years.

You can take this one step further if your child wants to explore writing their own lyrics! Mia offers songwriting sessions with children and adults, too! You can book a one-on-one session in Calgary, or if you’re based somewhere else in the world, she offers online lessons, too!

2. Singing Helps Boost Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem

Confident and healthy voice use links to a positive self-concept and an ability to communicate which inevitably promotes self-esteem. Stage fright is common with beginners, but with practice and praise, many overcome their fears and learn good presentation skills from regular singing lessons. If your child is struggling with any of these, singing can be hugely beneficial in helping them find their voice and in turn, their own self-confidence.

3. Singing Helps Develop Individual Identity

As kids learn to express their feelings, explore their own self-confidence and find their own voice, they also learn to vocalize who they are.

Did you know that you can sign up for seasonal programs and you get one singing lesson for free? It’s the best value offer for singing lessons! If you’re unsure, just send Mia a DM on Instagram or an email here!

4. Singing Provides An Outlet For Big Feelings

We all know by now that singing, or even listening to music, can be a cathartic experience. Singing a song that you emotionally connect to and that can vocalize how you are feeling even when you can’t put it into words can be just as cathartic as a deep breath or a good cry. The practice of deep breathing that is integral in singing can be hugely helpful for kids when they’re feeling overwhelmed.

We talked about a few of the mental health benefits of singing in our interview with Spark Wellness, which you can check out here.

5. Singing Provides An Enhanced Sense of Social Inclusion

Singing with others (like in our group classes or stage performances) enhances the possibilities of empathic relationships with those around us. Collective singing, such as in a choir or small group, generates a positive group identity, which is just as important as individual identity.

6. Singing is An Aerobic Activity (With Many Many Other Physical Benefits Too!)

Did you know that singing is actually an aerobic activity in that it is a form of exercise that improves the efficiency of the body’s cardiovascular system? Aerobic activity increases the oxygenation of the blood, which also improves overall alertness. Singing also improves posture since standing up straight is integral in improving sound quality. That means singing even has benefits for overall health.

Woah, now that’s a lot of reasons to sign your child up for singing lessons today! Have any of these surprised you? Tell us over on Instagram!

Looking for Calgary Singing Lessons for Your Kids?

Mia has a few slots open for in-person singing lessons in Calgary! You can book here or if you have any questions, be sure to send us an email or a DM on Instagram! We also have other services offered here, as well as our online store where you can purchase Mia’s book! You can also read about what’s coming for Singit Inc later this year in this blog post!

Happy singing!


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Singer Resources For Free!

I've learned a thing or two about singing over my 20-year long career as a professional singer and vocal coach. Here's a few of my secrets for you to grab. Happy singing!

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