
How I Balance Life as a Singer, a Voice coach, a Wife & a Mom!

March 12, 2021

So many people ask how I balance it all, being a singer, a vocal coach, a wife AND a mom, but if I’m being honest… there is no *real* balance. 😄 If there is one thing I have realized it’s that as a mom there are so many things that are a priority. So, I’ve […]

So many people ask how I balance it all, being a singer, a vocal coach, a wife AND a mom, but if I’m being honest… there is no *real* balance. 😄 If there is one thing I have realized it’s that as a mom there are so many things that are a priority. So, I’ve given myself the grace to accept that as long as I can make progress with one thing a day then I am happy. 

Here are 3 things I like to remember as I face each day

  1. Ticking off one thing is STILL progress
  2. Be kind to myself & laugh it off. 
  3. There’s no right way! There’s only what feels right for me so I do my best.

I call it beautiful Chaos! The key is to find the beauty in the chaos otherwise it all just goes by in a haze!

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Singer Resources For Free!

I've learned a thing or two about singing over my 20-year long career as a professional singer and vocal coach. Here's a few of my secrets for you to grab. Happy singing!

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