Singing Tips

Our 5 ways to stop shredding your vocal cords

October 17, 2019

As Vocal Coaching Specialists, we come across this all the time. It’s so important to take care of your vocal chords as they really are precious delicate little things! Avoid coughing. Coughing is the number one vocal shredder! When you have a chest infection, your body automatically coughs to get it out. The best remedy […]

As Vocal Coaching Specialists, we come across this all the time. It’s so important to take care of your vocal chords as they really are precious delicate little things!

  1. Avoid coughing.
    Coughing is the number one vocal shredder! When you have a chest infection, your body automatically coughs to get it out. The best remedy for this is our Natural recipe for Colds & Flu which you can find in our Blog Posts on our website.
  2. There is no need to talk so loud!
    Don’t shout or talk excessively for long periods of time.
    Shouting and speaking for a long time (especially over a crowd or whilst loud music is playing) is an immediate burnout and can ruin your singing voice. But whispering is just as bad. So rather stop talking and give yourself complete vocal rest for a period until you feel better.
  3. Stop using glottal attacks.
    What is a Glottal stop? ‘Glottal Stop’ is the sound produced by the sudden explosive release of breath from behind the closed glottis and the term ‘Glottal Attack’ describes the percussive pulse from vocal cords as in a slight grunt. Three types of glottal attack are commonly recognised: breathy, normal and hard. Glottals’ happen when the edges of the vocal cords bang together in over-closure. This results from poor vocal technique & the best way to avoid this is to add a soft “h” to the front of your words that begin with vowels, i.e.; “hh-everyone”, “hh-“I”; “hh-always”. It can happen in the middle of a word too: “Pr-ay”.
  4. Get your voice out of your throat.
    Speaking low in your throat can cause nodules and granuloma.

Vocal cord nodules can cause hoarseness and are typically associated with vocal overuse or vocal cord trauma. Vocal cord nodules, sometimes called singer’s nodules or nodes, result from repetitive overuse or misuse of the voice. These callous-like growths develop in the midpoint of the vocal folds.)

Vocal cord granulomas are masses that result from irritation. … In the throat, they can grow as a response to an irritation or injury. Usually non-cancerous, these granulomas grow on the cartilages that attach to the back of the vocal cords.)

Associate your voice with less pressure and move it higher into your mouth or head cavity. Speak higher in pitch and raise the soft palate to move out of the throat. Ask your Voice Coach to help you use your soft palate more.

Healthy Happy Cords! To keep your voice fit & happy, you might want to think about getting a professional vocal coach. You’ll want to find one who knows a little bit about natural ways & approaches to speed you back to health. Make it a life choice to have healthy happy cords always!

If you’re looking for another option to join a community of driven, motivated, Inspired Singers & Coaches in a program that will transform your voice, mindset, and performance then keep an eye open for our next Masterclass on how to get the most out of your voice!

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