Singing Tips

Meet Your Calgary Vocal Coach, Mia Whitfield!

October 6, 2021

Have you met Mia? She’s a local Calgary Vocal Coach that has years of experience in professional singing with recorded singles and several hits! She started her singing lessons in South Africa which grew into Singit. After moving to Canada, she started offering singing lessons in Calgary! Mia shares free singing tips and covers topics […]

Have you met Mia? She’s a local Calgary Vocal Coach that has years of experience in professional singing with recorded singles and several hits! She started her singing lessons in South Africa which grew into Singit. After moving to Canada, she started offering singing lessons in Calgary! Mia shares free singing tips and covers topics like: “How Often Should I Practice Singing?“, and how to breathe from your diaphragm. You can find more posts on our blog here!

READ: 6 Reasons To Encourage Your Child To Do Singing Lessons! (You can book your child in here for a FREE trial lesson!)

Who is Mia Whitfield?

Mia Whitfield is a Calgary vocal coach to singing students of all ages. However, before she started her business, Singit, she had a whole singing career of her own. Mia emerged in 2000 with her debut Number 1 hit Single, “Show me I’ll Show you”. Nineteen years later, and she has added to her “repetoire” and is now more than just a professional singer. As the founder of Singit Inc in South Africa and Canada, she has added entrepreneur, business woman, artist mentor and coach to her list of incredible achievements.

Listen To Mia’s Music Here:

This page lists all Mia’s singles and downloads so you can listen to every single song!

Calgary Vocal Coach Calgary Singing Lessons

Some of Mia’s Career Highlights Include:

  • Performing in her first cabaret show ‘8tease’ at the Wild Coast Sun in South Africa at the age of 17/18
  • Her own composition, “Just In Time”, submitted to the VUKA awards
  • Presenting as one of YoTV’s presenters (a children’s channel on SABC)
  • Performing for Nelson Mandela’s 80th & 82nd Birthdays, as well as The Presidents Children’s Day at Zoo Lake in Johannesburg, South Africa 
  • The National Disabled & USA/Africa Educational Banquet 
  • The Rocking Future Road show which Mia performed at over 30 schools around Gauteng, South Africa
  • Performing as East Coast Radio’s guest performer at Various Vodacom beach Africa festivals
  • Jeremy Mansfield’s CD launch “Even more Raw” at the big top arena in Carnival City
  • Mr South Africa in Durban at the Gateway
  • The AntiDrug awareness campaign in conjunction with Sanca, where Mia performed at the maximum security Prison for Women

Looking for Calgary Vocal Coach or Singing Lessons for Your Kids?

Mia has a few slots open for in-person singing lessons in Calgary! You can book here or if you have any questions, be sure to send us an email or a DM on Instagram! We also have other services offered here, as well as our online store where you can purchase Mia’s book! You can also read about what’s coming for Singit Inc later this year in this blog post!

Happy singing!

The Singit Team!

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Singer Resources For Free!

I've learned a thing or two about singing over my 20-year long career as a professional singer and vocal coach. Here's a few of my secrets for you to grab. Happy singing!

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